

Spline - Editing


Supports quick and diverse editing of splines/shapes.

  1. Combine: Click to combine selected splines and make a copy;
  2. Break Shap.: Break the shape and separate each segment of the spline;
  3. Break : Break the selected splines by endpoints;
  4. Connect 2p.: Click to connect 2 selected points;
  5. Conn.Near: Automatically identify nearby points to connect
  6. Mark End: Mark and display non-closed endpoints;
  7. Unify Dir.: Unify the selected spline directions;
  8. Unify Dir. : Reverse the direction of the selected spline;
  9. Flat Splines: Click to unify the Z axis of the selected spline;
  10. Close Splines: Close non-closed splines
  11. Pick Overlap: Pick out overlapping splines;
  12. Initialize: Initialize spline parameters;
  13. Surface Draw: Click to draw spline on the surface of objects;
  14. Surface Draw : Click to draw splines on the horizontal plane of the current perspective;

To further edit the vertex of selected spline, you may switch to edit mode and select the vertex, then:

  1. B.Corner: Click to enable Bezier corner;
  2. B.Curve: Click to enable Bezier curve;
  3. B.Vertex: Click to enable Bezier vertex;
  4. Smoth.: Click to enable spline smooth;

Vertex - Optimize Vertex


Support further editing of vertices on the selected spline. The units are based on the units in the current 3ds Max scene file.

  1. Ang.: Edit and click to remove all vertex smaller than the set angle;
  2. Inter.: Edit and click to change the interval between each vertex;
  3. Dist.: Edit and click to remove all vertex within than the set distance;
  4. Num.: Edit and click to change the total number of vertex;

Step - Optimize


Supports Unify Steps according to the set parameters.

Double Spline


Support Convert the selected spline in double spline according to the set width (Wid.).

Shape – Precise Closure


Supports trimming, extending and merging operations within one shape.

  1. Extend: Select the target vertex and extend to end precisely within the shape;
  1. Trim: Select the target vertex and trim to end precisely within the shape;
  1. Merge: Select target vertices and click to merge within the shape;

Spline Intersection


Supports adding markers or generating new vertex/sphere for intersecting splines in a shape.

  1. Mark: Select the shape, choose Mark and click Generate to add a mark on the intersection point, only for viewing, no actual function;
  2. + Vertex: Select the shape, choose + Vertex and click Generate to add a new vertex on the intersection point;
  3. Sphere: Select the shape, choose Sphere and click Generate to add a sphere model on the intersection point;
  4. ±: Tolerable offset range;
  5. Radius: Radius of the generated sphere;
  6. Precise positioning of vertices: Check to apply precise positioning of generated vertices, this may affect the shape;

Shape to Plane


Supports converting a closed outer shape into a plane.

  1. Plane: Check and click Convert to convert the shape to a plane;
  2. Collapse: Check to and click Convert to combine the stack operations of one or more selected objects into an editable shape, and perform a Boolean operation on them at the same time;

Extract Shape


Supports extracting shape outlines from target objects.

  1. Offs.: After setting, the extracted shape will be offset along the surface normal direction of the target object according to the value;
  2. Extract: Click to apply extraction operation of the target object as a whole;
  3. Extract +: Click to apply extraction operation of the target object separately;


Please switch to plane selection in edit mode for target object extraction.

Extract Wireframe


Supports extracting wireframe from target objects.

  1. Perspective: Check to extract object wireframe from Left view/Front view/Top view;
  2. To CAD: Click to extract the target model according to the checked perspective in 2D and display it like CAD does;
  3. To CAD +: Click to extract all models according to the checked perspective in 2D and display it like CAD does;
  1. Get Wire: Click to extract the wireframe of the specified view of the target model;
  2. Get Wire +: Click to extract the wireframe of the specified view of all models in the scene;
  1. Projection perspective display: Check and click To CAD/ To CAD + to display the extracted 2D wireframe in the object projection perspective;
  2. Save as CAD: Click to export the extracted wireframe as a CAD file;
  1. Options: Check to call out the “Export to AutoCAD File” window of 3ds Max when exporting the extracted wireframe as a CAD file;

Extract Sections


Supports extraction of specified shape of cross-sections of target objects based on set parameters.

  1. Num.: Select and set to extract the cross-sectional shape by quantity (divided into equal parts according to the size of the object);
  2. Dist.: Select and set to extract the cross-sectional shape by distance;
  3. Perspective: Check to extract the cross-sectional shape from X axis/Y axis/Z axis;
  4. Weld: Set the threshold for welding vertices. When two vertices are within this distance, they are welded for smoothing purposes;