

Local Rsc Lib


Supports quick operations on local material libraries.

  1. Open Local Asset Library: Click to open the asset library on your local workstation;
  2. Low version: Check to save the asset to lower version;
  3. Restore wnd: Check to restore the window;
  4. Continuous: Check to support dragging in continuous placement of assets;
  5. DbClick imp.: Check to support double-click import of assets;
  6. Prev. render size: Set the rendering size of the preview image;
  7. IES thumb color: Set the color of IES thumbnails
  8. Cache Mat Lib: Click to cache the higher version of the asset library;
  9. Save Low: Click to save the lower version of the asset library;

Team Sharing


Supports synchronization of model, material, texture, IES, HDR and other asset files within the LAN (local area network) for team sharing.