

Total Check


Supports a comprehensive examination of the current scene based on the checked content by click Start Check. The examination report will display the problems existing in the current scene, and the user can choose whether to deal with this problem. What can be checked includes: Scene, materials and lights (Mat & ligh), rendering (Rend).


  1. If you choose to check all the content, it may take a long time, please wait patiently;
  2. Examination items can be configured in the drop-down column.



Supports batch cleaning operations on selected content.

  1. Trash: Check to clean up various junk data that affects operations in the current scene;
  2. Memory: Check to release the memory occupied by the 3ds Max process;
  3. Miss Plug.: Check to clear the missing plug-ins that exist in the current scene;
  4. Raytrace: Check to turn off ray tracing for the current scene;
  5. Emp. layers: Check to delete the empty layer of the current scene;
  6. Emp. Objs: Check to delete empty objects existing in the current scene;
  7. Out Paths: Check to delete the output path of the current scene;
  8. Gi Paths: Check to delete the photon path of the current scene;
  9. Clear Selected: Click to apply clear operations based on the items you selected;
  10. Material: Delete the material of the currently selected model;
  11. Modifier: Clear the modifier of the currently selected model;
  12. UVW: Delete the currently selected model UVW;
  13. Useless Vs: Delete the useless vertices of the currently selected model;
  14. Force Delete: Click to perform a violent deletion operation;

Scene Optimize


Click to automatically optimize the current scene for cloud rendering.



Supports converting the size unit of the current scene.

  1. Keep the size: Check to retain the original size value of the object while converting the unit, if not checked, CG Magic will convert the value according to the 3ds Max system unit setting;
  2. Centimeter: Click to convert the size unit of the current scene according to the unit you select;


  1. Unit conversion may be abnormal when applying to objects with Floor Generator and Quad Chamfer. It is recommended to collapse first before performing unit conversion;
  2. Objects with bones, biped and point cache may experience abnormalities after unit conversion, please check after converting.

Scene Repair


Supports quickly restoring the target object.

  1. Messy Layers: Restore the garbled layer in the current scene;
  2. Messy Texts: Restore the garbled text in the current scene;
  3. Center Scene: Return the current scene to the origin;

Virus Killing


Supports manual or automatic scanning and killing of viruses existing in the current scene.

  1. Check & Kill : Click to scan and kill viruses in the current scene;
  2. Multi Files: Click specify file path to apply batch scanning and killing of viruses;
  3. Auto kill: Check to automatically scan and kill viruses exist when opening the scene file;
  4. Voice pro.: Check to enable voice prompts after virus scanning is completed;
  5. Sav.: Check to save a file that has been virus scanned and killed;

Max Configure

  1. Save Conf.: Click to save the hotkeys, interface, menus, modifiers and other configuration preferences in the current file for subsequent use;
  2. Load Conf.: Click to load the configuration preferences you saved. You may click Preference to load hotkey keys, menus, quad menus, and modifier configuration, or click All & Restart Max to load interface layouts, shortcut keys, menus, quad menus, layouts, modifier configuration buttons, and user preferences;
  3. Load Conf. : Click to load the hotkey preference from the configuration you saved, the hotkey preference supports cross-version loading;
  4. Reload macros of my CG MAGIC: Click to write the macro command of the CG MAGIC plug-in into the MAX configuration, which you may find in Customize Ribbon Interface – Category – CGMAGIC_UI;

Functional Operation


Supports quick preference settings with one click.

  1. Set Default: Click to set the current file as the startup file for 3ds Max;
  2. Check File: Click to check the version information of the current file;
  1. Old Select: Click to switch the 3ds Max selector to the old version;
  2. Old Select ⇆: Click to switch the 3ds Max selector to the new version;
  3. Old Medit: Click to switch the 3ds Max Material Editor to the old version;
  4. Old Medit : Click to switch the 3ds Max Material Editor to the new version;
  5. Classic/Des.: Click to switch the 3ds Max version between Classic and Design;
  6. VR Menu Rep.: Click to repair the V-Ray menu;
  7. Refresh Icons: Click to refresh the icons in the file manager;
  8. Thumb.: Click to display the thumbnail of the Max file in the file manager;
  9. Thumb. : Click to close the thumbnail of the Max file in the file manager;
  10. Restore Default App: Click to restore the default opening method of the file;


  1. Start Summary Scene: Click to count the information in the current scene;
  2. Start Summary Scene X: Click to cancel the information counting;



Supports configuring the number of cores can be occupied by 3ds Max software in your workstation.

  1. G1-G4: Each group contains the cores directly below it. If checked, it is enabled, indicating that the cores in the group will be used for 3ds Max running. If not checked, 3ds Max is prohibited from occupying the cores in the group for calculation;
  2. 01-08: Each number represents a core, and the number is automatically obtained from your local workstation configuration, check to allow 3ds Max to use the core for calculation;
  3. Set Default: Click to set the configuration above as default;